Welcome to the home of Super Earth

The following posts showcase the line of characters I've created or deigned worthy of belonging to my all inclusive universe of heroes called "Super Earth."

All of these characters were created by me. Most of the designs are of my own creation as well. Some of the designs are not. Through my course of creating micros, there has been a lot of discussion over creator's "rights" as far as credit is concerned. To be honest, in my humble opinion, if your characters or designs are not copyrighted, then there is no real "legal" obligation on my part. There are some designs out there that I DO like, and I will use them in my own creations. If you see some of your designs, or the designs of someone you know in my work, take it as a sign of respect that I liked the design so much, I used it in my own little universe. Do not request micros be taken down. They will not. Do not request credit. If I can remember to whom the credit should be given, then I will give it. If not, too bad. If all of this makes you feel uncomfortable, then you don't have to visit my site...

For the most part, just enjoy these creations for what they are. I'm not making ANY money off of these—I'm just doing this for fun. SO, you have fun as well.

Tell me what you think, and enjoy SUPER EARTH


Saturday, January 7, 2012


I'm taking a break because I got a new job, and I have to go to training in another city. Needless to say, the computer stays here while I'm gone.

That being said, Santi is still working on the six templates I've sent him so far. Hopefully, when I return, Santi will have finished the temps, and I can start working again.

I want all of you to know, that without Santi's guiding hand in correcting/perfecting my templates, these new micros would be worthless. This is a testament to the soundness of Santi's style and ability.

Hurray, Santi!

While you wait, here are two members of Star-Jump Marauders...
Orion Blue

These two will join Coronasmasher, along with Starpath and Flashburn. I will get those other two done when I get back.

So, enjoy these boring weeks in January, and I will see you again in two weeks....


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