Welcome to the home of Super Earth

The following posts showcase the line of characters I've created or deigned worthy of belonging to my all inclusive universe of heroes called "Super Earth."

All of these characters were created by me. Most of the designs are of my own creation as well. Some of the designs are not. Through my course of creating micros, there has been a lot of discussion over creator's "rights" as far as credit is concerned. To be honest, in my humble opinion, if your characters or designs are not copyrighted, then there is no real "legal" obligation on my part. There are some designs out there that I DO like, and I will use them in my own creations. If you see some of your designs, or the designs of someone you know in my work, take it as a sign of respect that I liked the design so much, I used it in my own little universe. Do not request micros be taken down. They will not. Do not request credit. If I can remember to whom the credit should be given, then I will give it. If not, too bad. If all of this makes you feel uncomfortable, then you don't have to visit my site...

For the most part, just enjoy these creations for what they are. I'm not making ANY money off of these—I'm just doing this for fun. SO, you have fun as well.

Tell me what you think, and enjoy SUPER EARTH


Monday, April 9, 2012

Where Am I?

This is where I am. Super Earth is not lost and not forgotten. Just off in space for the moment...

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Nothing new......

It seems that my creative tendencies come and go in spurts. I've been listening to a lot of heavy metal recently, and reading old comics. That, unfortunately, has put me WAY behind in microwork. Hopefully I'll get around to some more later this week....

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Bit of a hiccup....

I am having a bit of a hiccup on getting my work done,here. I finally finished me and Santi's first project of possibly three. But, I can't post my work until Santi posts his, too. So, you won't see our results until Monday, at least.

Then, I am also working on a micro for Princess Linkette. I am finding that I am not as talented as her. It's embarrassing. Trying to duplicate her avatar character into a Maxmicro has proven to be EXTREMELY difficult for me. So, it's SLOW GOING....

That means that my next project, Major Justice and the Steel Patrol, will be delayed another week or so. Counting Major Justice, there will be nine members. I will post three at a time, with Major Justice being last. I should be able to get the first of the three done by next weekend, so watch out for them. What's bad, is that I wanted to get the first three done THIS weekend. Won't happen. Just keep looking.

Anyway, see you Monday with a duo from Spain, the first two members of a team called the PROTECTORES!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Crimson Crusaders - Part Three

Finally, the last three members of the Crimson Crusaders are finished! This has been a fun team for me, and some of my favorite designs so far.

First up is Alterego

This is simply ONE of his costumes. Maybe, later on down the road, I'll make more of them. He has something of a "split-personality" with his super powers and identities. One day, he is in this costume and has the ability to fly and shoot energy beams from his hands. Another day, he wears a hooded cloak and no superpowers. Another day, he can grow to ten times his normal height. Another day he has supreme intellect and a bulbous head. All in all, there is no record of how many superpowers he has. The come and go as they please. Some identities last months and years, others can last days or hours. This was my "Dial H" homage hero.


Breakthrough has your basic strength and power abilities. I would put him as an equal to the Juggernaut in abilities. Simply the muscle of the team.

Mister Superior

This was one of the first vanity micros I made for another creator, Mister Superior. I had opened a request thread for vanity micros in the "Defenders" style. This is what I came up with for him, and the design stuck for the rest of the time he was with MIB. Matt/Emissary finessed the design, and I updated it now to fit into the Super Earth mythos. His powers are that of intellect and mysticism. He would be the team leader...

That gives this team a whopping 8 members. I think that is my biggest team so far...

I hope you like this group!

Next up, Santi and I have a duo to share with you, and then I will get on with Major Justice and the Steel Patrol!!!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Crimson Crusaders - Part Two - Bombshell and Stagedive

So, I finished up 2 more Crimson Crusaders, but, I didn't want you to have to wait another week for me to finish the last 3. SO, until next week, I give you Bombshell and Stagedive...
You'd never tell by her appearance, but Bombshell is not only beautiful, but also deadly. Her powers allow her to heat up the atmosphere in a 10-meter radius around her body to the point it explodes. She can also do this in smaller, controlled manners as well - heating a combatant's heart to the point it pops, cooking his brain, exploding locks and doors. All of this in the delicate form that men would die for....

A young man from New York City, Stagedive loves music. He loves it so much, he developed equipment and this body suit to control soundwaves around him. He uses these soundwave blasts to shake the ground, buildings and people. He can knock people over with sonic blasts. He can distort words when people talk, hindering effective communication between his opponents. From the smallest whisper to the loudest explosion, Stagedive has complete control over all. He also has the obligatory strength (it IS armor) and flight, allowing him to "dive" down to attack his enemies during a battle.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Brigadier Britain and Adam Baltron

FINALLY, back and making some Super Earth Maxmicros. Starting with a few random ones before I finish the incomplete teams I have.

Going back to my roots, I've converted my beloved Captain Britain series into a Super Earth character, BRIGADIER BRITAIN!
Brigadier Britain

He has the same mystical powers as Marvel's Captain, and there is also going to be a multiverse of BBs out there to help and hinder OUR Brigadier!

Next up, is Adam Baltron. He was a "trimalgam" made by Chagoth at my request. I liked him so much, I had to put him into Super Earth...
Adam Baltron

He has the same powers as Adam Warlock, Metron and Baldar put together, and he hangs out with the likes of Manifesto, Supernaut, Starbird and the Emissary...

So much for this week, I'll try to have some more done soon. I'd like to finish the Crimson Crusaders, Justice Order, Earth Syndicate and the Chicago City Limits before I start on anything new, like Major Justice and the Steel Patrol.... ;) Just to whet your appetite...

Friday, March 9, 2012

And again....

I'm running into a little burnout on Super Earth, but I still want to make some micros. I want to do something different. SO.... I'm gonna take a small break from Super Earth for a week or two, and try a little project with Major Justice over at MIB. After that, I'll get back to Super Earth, and I'll let you know at MIB when I do, so you're not checking here every day wondering...

SUPER EARTH IS NOT GONE NOR FORGOTTEN. Just went to the beach for a breather...

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


As to why I haven't posted any work in about a week, check my response to Matt in my covers comments.... Hope to give you more this weekend...

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Original Super Earth from 1993 - 2001

I was digging through some old pics I had stored on my computer and found a couple of old covers from some of the early days of Super Earth. At that time, I was going to have Super Earth as part of the Marvel Universe (and it wasn't called Super Earth at the time).
From a sketch that I made back in 1993, I put this cover together when I was learning how to use Adobe Photoshop. I obviously hadn't learned how to use the airbrush or the smudge tools yet, as all of my colors were in gradients. If you look carefully enough, you will see that the background image is actually an abstraction of a Barry Windsor-Smith Conan print.
Again with the gradient colors, this cover was based on another comic cover. I'll make a micro of your choice if you can tell me which cover it is based on. Three hints. 1 - It is a first issue. 2 - It is not Marvel or DC. 3 - The company is not obscure, and was prevalent in the 60s and 70s. Have fun with that one.
Notice the dramatic evolution of this team. On this cover, only Danger Man, Counterspell and the Secret are the same. Look at the way Odyssey is portrayed here, and compare that to the new micro I made of her for Santi. She is no longer on the team now and has been replaced by Orenji Hayabusa. Culprit is no longer on the team, and has been replaced by Doc Midas. Crantor is now Spearhead (Crantor is his real name) and has made a big change in appearance as well. The helicopter is taken from the first issue of Suicide Squad from 2001.
This was my first drawing of Manifesto. His helmet has changed so he doesn't look like he's a member of the Nova Corps anymore. And, you can tell I was going to try and color him digitally (helmet), but changed my mind when it looked like crap.

I used to have 3 different covers for Manifesto, but I have lost them along with a Counterspell cover, a High Five cover and a Cavalier cover. If I find them, I will get them posted here.

I hope you enjoyed a view into my amateurish artwork for my characters. Now you know why I make microheroes instead!

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Taking a break from microing for a bit to play a little Simcity. Hope you all don't miss me too much....

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Black Neutron

It's late. I'm tired. I wanted to make one more MAXMicro today, but, my creative juices are very low. So, I finished one that I initially made back in the "bobble-head" era of Super Earth.
Black Neutron

I made him a lot bigger than the bobble-head version. I was going for a Darkseid/Thanos feel for him. He is also about the same type of character, too. A bad guy to fight Supernaut, Emissary, Starbird, Manifesto, I.O.N.... any one of my cosmic characters. A very simple design, yet I like it.

Good night, folks. I'll see you in the morning...

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

MAXMicros Templates

Had a little chat with Major Justice, and he thought that a good name for these new micros would be "MAXMicros". So, there you have it. MAXMicros by Jason Everett and Santi Hermana...

While I'm at it, I'll update all the templates for everyone's use. I hope you do some creative things with them! I would love to see Marvel and DC heroes in this style. I can't do it myself, because I'm a little busy, obviously. Lets see what you all can do!!!!!

These are all the templates I've completed so far. I will have a total of 10 female and 22 male templates when all is said and done. I just haven't gotten there yet. ;)

Enjoy these, and let's see what you can do with them!

I.O.N. - Interstellar Operational Nexus

A break from Crimson Crusaders to post my version of ION....

I.O.N. - Interstellar Operational Nexus is a man who was enhanced with alien technology to serve as a gatekeeper and guardian from our dimension to another. He is essentially a human wormhole with plasmatic powers from the fourth dimension. He is gifted with many cosmic abilities, including plasma bursts, interstellar flight, and super strength. His abilities basically stem from the fact that his suit and neurotech enhancements give the atoms in his body a lot of extra electrons, turning his atoms into ions.

I.O.N. - Interstellar Operational Nexus

He often battles Doomsayer Dragon, Chemoscavenger and Timeworm. He has been known to team up with the Emissary, Starbird, Chronomystic and Gammarider.

Have fun...

Monday, February 27, 2012

Crimson Crusaders - Part One

So, I'm starting a new batch of characters for a team called the "Crimson Crusaders". This team has a long LONG history. Not as a story, but, as a concept created by me.

I created the Crusaders my sophomore year in High School. That puts the team inception right around 1987-1988. They were initially to be like the Squadron Supreme, and as a companion to the Avengers. Initially, they had a reformed Mole Man and Speedball as members.
As times changed, Speedball was taken by the New Warriors, and I became less interested in creating material for a "Marvel Universe", but, obviously wanted to create my own universe. At that time, I had not created "Super Earth" yet, which would come later with Captain Jupiter. Also, the Clandestine character, Crimson Crusader, had not been published yet, so I still had an original team name.
The cast of characters changed over time, and finally settled on the current lineup late in the 90s, or early in 2000.


All of these names were conceived in the 90s, BUT, none of the character designs. NONE of them had costumes. I had/have no idea what these characters looked/look like at all. SO, as of RIGHT NOW, I am going to attempt to give life to these names with actual characters to look at. Hopefully this works out, but, as time passes, maybe things will change. MAYBE....


This character design is a direct translation of a character created by Ascaron. I have always loved the design, and decided to incorporate this design into my universe. I do not know who Ascaron is, but, I hope he enjoys seeing his design in a new light.


Originally a re-design of Santi's Iceman, I've changed him to a character with essentially the same powers. He has the ability to freeze opponents with extreme cold so they instantly stop in place. I still don't know how he does this without killing his opponent, because freezing someone would cause their cellular walls to burst when freezing and thawing. The cellular membranes can't handle the stress...


This costume design is influenced by the character "Cannonbolt" from Ben10. I simply like the design... He has the ability to see what his opponent will do 4-5 seconds into the future. He can predict and track their actions. This power isn't natural, he gets it from the bulbs on his body, which are linked to his brain. He is trained in martial arts, has incredible stamina and strength, and is extremely intelligent...

SO, there you have 3 members. Four to go. I start a new job on Wednesday, and I am currently suffering from "mouse shoulder" (has anyone else had this ailment?), so I probably won't get this set completely finished until later in the week. Of course, I could be wrong, but, we'll see...

HONESTLY, with my use of previous/others designs, tell me what you think. Do these characters work? What are your thoughts. The blog has a comments section for a reason! ;)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Doomsayer Dragon

Today, I give you Doomsayer Dragon, the arch-nemesis of ION. I have yet to make ION, because I am working on the design. This guy is an ancient mystical chinese warrior that feeds off of the negative energy of the universe. he has super strength, the ability to traverse space, and can shoot energy bolts from his hands. He uses these powers simultaneously while he uses Kung Fu to battle his opponents.
Doomsayer Dragon

I will post his arch-nemesis, ION, when I complete him...

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Emissary Deus and Kodiak

After a suggestion and desire to make a couple new guys, I've updated the Emissary to his current incarnation, and added Kodiak, another MIB creator, but now a member of "Earth Syndicate". I hope y'all like them!


The Emissary

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Only one post for today.

I have been somewhat disappointed with the design I made for Joe Bleau. He seemed to clean cut and pristine to go on any "missions". That being said, Capitaine Quebec is the "Superman" version of Joe. For a more adventurous type, I've made a "Captain America" version of Joe, the traditional Quebcois spoken of so often. Technically, in the real world, they are both Joe. But, in Super Earth, they are two different people. I like this new version better. I hope you (and Joe) do to...


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Justice Order Part One and Starbolt

I couldn't sleep last night, so I got up at 4 am and started microing. Lovely way to pass the time....

First up is Starbolt...
A throw-away design, he is a Super Earth Golden Age hero who happens to be an alien. Your basic generic powers, he can fly, super-strength, lasers from eyes. You know, the basics. He at least gives Super Earth a little back-history. A ret-con, if you will....

Next up, is Justice Order Part One. If you have read my short story on the origin of Justice Order, then you will know that there are various team line-ups dating back to the team's founding in 1972. As of this writing, there have been 4 different line-ups comprised of 12 different characters.

Line-up One
Regal Eagle I
Might Maiden

Line-up Two
Regal Eagle I
Might Maiden

Line-up Three
Regal Eagle I
Rubber Bullet/Excape
Snapper X
Little Wing/Regal Eagle II

Line-up Four
Regal Eagle II/Little Wing
Victory Volt
Excape/Rubber Bullet
Blue Wolf

My continuity from the story to now for the current line-up has changed, by adding the Superbuddy "Blue Wolf" as a new member to the Super Earth Universe.

I have already created and posted a version of Excape. I have made traditional micro versions of Uni-Star, Agis, Might Maiden, Regal Eagle II, Quagga, Bravo and Quickstep.

Today, I give you these three...
Blue Wolf

As stated before, this is a Superbuddy member. I have brought him in as a hero with animal-based powers. He has incredible strength and stamina, he is an excellent hunter and combatant.

Victory Volt

Originally a solo hero created for the initial run of Super Earth, Victory Volt is the team speedster that took the place of Quickstep when he retired. He has speeds capable of reaching that of electricity (Which happens to be just under the speed of light accounting for wind friction and drag).

Regal Eagle I

The official first member and founder of Justice Order, Regal Eagle was a Golden Age Hero that gained his powers from some of Doctor Varia's initial genetic experiments. He battled the Axis of Evil with a team of Allied superheroes during WWII, and continued to battle injustice and tyranny long after the war ended. He is noted for his battles with Communist China and the Soviet Empire in the 50s and 60s. Originally, in the origin story of Justice Order, I stated that Regal Eagle served as a member and team captain for "more than a decade". I would like to amend that statement to "more than 3 decades". He retired from Justice Order in 2004,and finally died in 2006 at the age of 88. The genetic engineering his body endured kept him vital and active all of his life, but, fell into degenerative failure in late 2003, causing his body to desiccate in less than 3 years. Ewww.

Obviously, these members scatter throughout the Justice Order timeline. Over time, I will complete ALL of the members, and then repost them all in order with their team-shots...


Monday, February 13, 2012

Major Adventure and Galaxus

Two entries for today...

Major Adventure

Major Adventure is actually a former micro-creator, but, hasn't been seen in a LONG time. SO, he now belongs to Super Earth! A basic superhero akin to Captain America, and National Anthem. I'd like to eventually come up with a sidekick for him, and I even have a potential story involving him. But, that's for another day.

Any information regarding the micro-creator named Major Adventure would be greatly appreciated.


A cosmic supervillain that can sometimes be seen battling the Emissary, Starbird, Blue Star or Supernaut. Very powerful, I'd put him in the same class as Annihilus.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Revellers

Alright! My team for the weekend, the Revellers. The Revellers are a team of Variants that are part of Doctor Varia's army. A true force for good, they complete missions across the globe, and sometimes in space. At this point in time, they haven't participated in any "cosmic events"....

Professor Spectivo

The Professor is Doctor Varia's number one confidant and best friend. He is a primary instructor at Doctor Varia's Variant facility. He has powers that include telepathy, telekinesis, and strength. He is the team captain for the Revellers.

Brandon the Red

Brandon the Red is a Variant from the future, who was thrown back in time as a result of his going through the variant process. He has powers of strength and the ability to jump himself (and others if they are in contact) around in the time stream. he can jump split seconds to decades to millenia.


Mindseare's body was completely consumed by the variant process. His corporeal soul is held in a containment vessel that is his physical body, which is a robotic construct. He has mental powers including telepathy, telekinesis and psychic projection.

Satin Black

Satin Black is Professor Spectivo's apprentice and lover. She has telepathic abilities and intelligence.


A former marine, Bangbuster has incredible strength, stamina and speed. His specialty is weaponry.


Iceman is a Spaniard member who loves life. Obviously, his powers transmit freezing temperatures to his victims and their vicinities. He cannot build ice constructs, like Marvel's Iceman, though. A happy-go-lucky member, Iceman is the team's lighter side and jokester.


Gangway is an unstoppable force. He has incredible strength above most all Variants alive today. He can barrel through virtually any obstacle. He is the team's muscle.

There you have it! The Revellers! Another variant team knocked down, and two more micro creators brought into the Super Earth Universe! Enjoy!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Is that Fudge? NO! It's Agent Excelsior!!!!!!

I've always loved Fudge's costume design. It's a very definitive and solid concept, that I've longed to bring into Super Earth. But, FUDGE? No way. Not by that name. So, after working on hime today, I decided to change his name to Agent Excelsior. Does it work? Does it not? Can anyone think of anything better to call him?
Agent Excelsior

Again, final design based on Matt's micro. Thanks, again, my Mattness...

Tomorrow I'll start the Variant team called the Revellers. One of the core members is Iceman, and also Brandon the Red!!!!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

I'm busy... Check back later.

So, I'm busy reading my large "stack" of British comics from the 70s and 80s. Eagle, Tiger, 2000 AD, Starlord, Scream. You should try them sometime. They seem like a breath after all these 52 Infinite Fears of the Dark Reign Crisis CRAP that's floating around out there....

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Quester

Again, another MIB/Superbuddies member that I have incorporated into the Super Earth mythos.

Quester is a mystic swordsman from the Dark Ages. He once travelled the European countrysides, battling evil and righting wrongs. Then, one day, he happened upon an ancient wizard filled with evil. the two battled, and the wizard opened up a vortex, that actually was a time tunnel. The vortex sucked the Quester through, and deposited him in present day Europe. He continues to travel through modern Europe, and teams up with Longbow, and sometimes works alongside Justice Order, Crimson Crusaders and Mystery Six. He spends most of his time alone, though, battling for justice throughout the world.
The Quester