Welcome to the home of Super Earth

The following posts showcase the line of characters I've created or deigned worthy of belonging to my all inclusive universe of heroes called "Super Earth."

All of these characters were created by me. Most of the designs are of my own creation as well. Some of the designs are not. Through my course of creating micros, there has been a lot of discussion over creator's "rights" as far as credit is concerned. To be honest, in my humble opinion, if your characters or designs are not copyrighted, then there is no real "legal" obligation on my part. There are some designs out there that I DO like, and I will use them in my own creations. If you see some of your designs, or the designs of someone you know in my work, take it as a sign of respect that I liked the design so much, I used it in my own little universe. Do not request micros be taken down. They will not. Do not request credit. If I can remember to whom the credit should be given, then I will give it. If not, too bad. If all of this makes you feel uncomfortable, then you don't have to visit my site...

For the most part, just enjoy these creations for what they are. I'm not making ANY money off of these—I'm just doing this for fun. SO, you have fun as well.

Tell me what you think, and enjoy SUPER EARTH


Sunday, March 4, 2012

Original Super Earth from 1993 - 2001

I was digging through some old pics I had stored on my computer and found a couple of old covers from some of the early days of Super Earth. At that time, I was going to have Super Earth as part of the Marvel Universe (and it wasn't called Super Earth at the time).
From a sketch that I made back in 1993, I put this cover together when I was learning how to use Adobe Photoshop. I obviously hadn't learned how to use the airbrush or the smudge tools yet, as all of my colors were in gradients. If you look carefully enough, you will see that the background image is actually an abstraction of a Barry Windsor-Smith Conan print.
Again with the gradient colors, this cover was based on another comic cover. I'll make a micro of your choice if you can tell me which cover it is based on. Three hints. 1 - It is a first issue. 2 - It is not Marvel or DC. 3 - The company is not obscure, and was prevalent in the 60s and 70s. Have fun with that one.
Notice the dramatic evolution of this team. On this cover, only Danger Man, Counterspell and the Secret are the same. Look at the way Odyssey is portrayed here, and compare that to the new micro I made of her for Santi. She is no longer on the team now and has been replaced by Orenji Hayabusa. Culprit is no longer on the team, and has been replaced by Doc Midas. Crantor is now Spearhead (Crantor is his real name) and has made a big change in appearance as well. The helicopter is taken from the first issue of Suicide Squad from 2001.
This was my first drawing of Manifesto. His helmet has changed so he doesn't look like he's a member of the Nova Corps anymore. And, you can tell I was going to try and color him digitally (helmet), but changed my mind when it looked like crap.

I used to have 3 different covers for Manifesto, but I have lost them along with a Counterspell cover, a High Five cover and a Cavalier cover. If I find them, I will get them posted here.

I hope you enjoyed a view into my amateurish artwork for my characters. Now you know why I make microheroes instead!


  1. Love the new look for the page. Can't wait to see more of your creations bud. :)

  2. Thanks, Matt. I can't wait to see more of my new creations, too. I'm suffering from a tad bit of burn out, though. And, I haven't had much free time to work on them at all. Plus, I'm having problems focusing on which ones I want to work on next, because I have several swirling about in my head....

  3. I´m amazed how deeply wou went into your new Universe, and how seriously you taken, really great job on them buddy, truly nineteens, those teeth, those tremendous muscles... you liked Liefeld, didn´t you?

  4. I mainly liked Erik Larsen, still do. But, some of my work is very reflective of Liefield and the 90s in general. If you look at most of the artists in the early 90s, they were trying to be either Jim Lee or Rob Liefield. Anyway, I did all that, and do all this because I wanted/want to be a comic creator, but, never could....

  5. Buddy, dreams born to be replaced by other dreams, not to be achieved most of the times. The wisdom in men is to enjoy dreaming but enjoy reality at the same time.
    And you have a great reality!
