Welcome to the home of Super Earth

The following posts showcase the line of characters I've created or deigned worthy of belonging to my all inclusive universe of heroes called "Super Earth."

All of these characters were created by me. Most of the designs are of my own creation as well. Some of the designs are not. Through my course of creating micros, there has been a lot of discussion over creator's "rights" as far as credit is concerned. To be honest, in my humble opinion, if your characters or designs are not copyrighted, then there is no real "legal" obligation on my part. There are some designs out there that I DO like, and I will use them in my own creations. If you see some of your designs, or the designs of someone you know in my work, take it as a sign of respect that I liked the design so much, I used it in my own little universe. Do not request micros be taken down. They will not. Do not request credit. If I can remember to whom the credit should be given, then I will give it. If not, too bad. If all of this makes you feel uncomfortable, then you don't have to visit my site...

For the most part, just enjoy these creations for what they are. I'm not making ANY money off of these—I'm just doing this for fun. SO, you have fun as well.

Tell me what you think, and enjoy SUPER EARTH


Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Revellers

Alright! My team for the weekend, the Revellers. The Revellers are a team of Variants that are part of Doctor Varia's army. A true force for good, they complete missions across the globe, and sometimes in space. At this point in time, they haven't participated in any "cosmic events"....

Professor Spectivo

The Professor is Doctor Varia's number one confidant and best friend. He is a primary instructor at Doctor Varia's Variant facility. He has powers that include telepathy, telekinesis, and strength. He is the team captain for the Revellers.

Brandon the Red

Brandon the Red is a Variant from the future, who was thrown back in time as a result of his going through the variant process. He has powers of strength and the ability to jump himself (and others if they are in contact) around in the time stream. he can jump split seconds to decades to millenia.


Mindseare's body was completely consumed by the variant process. His corporeal soul is held in a containment vessel that is his physical body, which is a robotic construct. He has mental powers including telepathy, telekinesis and psychic projection.

Satin Black

Satin Black is Professor Spectivo's apprentice and lover. She has telepathic abilities and intelligence.


A former marine, Bangbuster has incredible strength, stamina and speed. His specialty is weaponry.


Iceman is a Spaniard member who loves life. Obviously, his powers transmit freezing temperatures to his victims and their vicinities. He cannot build ice constructs, like Marvel's Iceman, though. A happy-go-lucky member, Iceman is the team's lighter side and jokester.


Gangway is an unstoppable force. He has incredible strength above most all Variants alive today. He can barrel through virtually any obstacle. He is the team's muscle.

There you have it! The Revellers! Another variant team knocked down, and two more micro creators brought into the Super Earth Universe! Enjoy!


  1. Hey im not in the same team as Iceman ? ;)

    cool design and story.

  2. Sorry, Joe. You are on a team named "Earth Syndicate" along with Kodiak and Atlantico amongst others. Does that make you feel any better? LOL! ;)

  3. I must firmly express my protest.
    Not only not in the the same team than Kid Chaos, but neither with Quebecois? That's absolutely unfair.
    If only we would have some hot girl in the team, that Satin Black is a little creepy.
    You must make a gathering event.:D
